
‘A Tear At The Edge Of Creation’

The creation of the universe, the meaning of life, the origins of the cosmos. Out guest, Dartmouth physicist Marcelo Gleiser, tackles these heady questions in his new book, "A Tear at the Edge of Creation." Also in the program, the first of a two-part interview with author John Irving. We discuss his classic books and his latest novel.

VPR Wins Six Regional Murrow Awards

Vermont Public Radio has won six Edward R. Murrow regional awards for breaking news coverage, feature reporting, investigative reporting, news series, sports coverage, and for the website.

Sharing The Road

We look at the specific laws for bicyclists, walkers and drivers, and talk about common mistakes made on the roads.  Also, a talk with writer Creston Lea.

Dog River To Become Catch And Release

The Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife is working to protect the wild trout population in a stretch of the Dog River by making it a catch and release stream.

Personal Stories of Philanthropy

Learn how a women’s giving circle in Boston hopes to promote social justice by supporting after school programs.  And Pillsbury Heiress Tracey Gary explains why she gave away most of her fortune in her 20s.  She calls chairity ‘the new American dream’