Spirit of ’68

 Commentator Mike Martin teaches French at Champlain Valley Union High School and writes about issues of culture and education. Today he reflects on events that took place in France during the month of May in 1968 – and how they influence attitudes today.


Commentator Mike Martin writes about issues of culture and education. He also teaches French at Champlain Valley Union High School, and today he offers an appreciation of one of his own favorite teachers.

Olympic Boycott Debate

Commentator Mike Martin teaches French at Champlain Valley Union High School and writes about issues of culture and education. He heard today that the Olympic Torch had arrived in Beijing for this summer’s Olympic Games in China. And he couldn’t help wondering why the debate in Europe about China’s human rights record isn’t taking place here in the U.S. too.

Love and Politics in France

Commentator Mike Martin writes about issues of culture and education and teaches French at Champlain Valley Union High School. Lately, he’s been thinking about how love affairs have hurt the careers of many American politicians, while the French have always been fond of leaders who are great lovers. But that may be changing.

Lights of Paris

Commentator Mike Martin is a teacher with an interest in all-things-French. When he heard that Paris – known as the City of Lights – decorated the Champs Elysees with LED lights for the holidays this year, it made him wonder when we’ll see similar changes here in the U.S.

The Question

There’s been a lot of discussion lately about what constitutes torture. And commentator Mike Martin has been looking for an answer.

Sarkozy Visits Congress

When Nicolas Sarkozy visited Congress last week he praised the U.S. at length. Commentator Mike Martin listened to the speech with his French students and has been thinking about all we have to live up to now.

Gore’s Nobel

Commentator Mike Martin has noticed a cultural shift when it comes to environmentalism: he thinks that Al Gore’s Nobel Peace Prize has finally made it ok for men to be green.