Read Me A Story

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Those of you who opened Christmas gifts yesterday may have had the treat of receiving a book or two. And for kids especially, a new book can be a treasure-an entre into a new world full of bright colors and magical experiences.

Today’s Vermont Edition is dedicated to children’s literature, and we have four stories to bring you of writers, illustrators and devotees of those early books that can spark a life-long love of reading.

Part 1: "Wobar and the Quest for the Magic Camulet"
Henry Homeyer explains how story made up to pass the time with his step-son became a published book.

Part 2: "Under the North Light."
Lawrence Webster describes the work of Maude and Mishka Petersham, the most influential Illustrators you’ve never heard of. She writes about them in her new book.

Part 3: "Little Monk and the Mantis: A Bug, A Boy, and the Birth of a Kung Fu Legend"
Hollywood producer and Vermont resident John Fusco describes how he was inspired to wrtie a children’s book about martial arts.

Part 4: "How Does Sleep Come?"
Jeanne Blackmore reads the book she wrote to help her son drift off to restful dreams.

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