Symington gets into race for governor, calls for more effective leadership

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(Host) Vermont Democrats now have a candidate for governor – House Speaker Gaye Symington.

She stood on the Statehouse steps before several hundred supporters this morning. Symington says Vermont – quote – “is stuck in neutral gear" and needs more effective leadership.

VPR’s Bob Kinzel reports.

(Symington) “I am here today to announce my candidacy for governor of the state of Vermont." (applause fades )

(Kinzel) To the cheers of "Run, Gaye, run," Symington outlined the reasons why she’s decided to challenge three-term incumbent Republican Governor Jim Douglas. Symington has served six terms in the Vermont House. For the past four years she’s been speaker.

Symington says she’s running because she feels Douglas isn’t providing long-term solutions to Vermont’s most serious challenges.

(Symington) "We cannot grow good jobs without planning a secure energy future. We cannot grow good jobs without an affordable health care system that is accessible to all Vermonters. We cannot grow good jobs without maintaining our road, bridges and railways. Vermont is stuck in neutral and the failure to move forward is a failure of leadership. It is time for a chance for new ideas and new leadership. It is time for a new governor."

(Kinzel) Symington pledged to run an issue-oriented campaign and she called on her opponents, Jim Douglas and Progressive candidate Anthony Pollina, to do the same.

(Symington) “I intend on this campaign to be based on the challenges and the issues facing this state. And I pledge to talk to you about them honestly. I have 12 years of a legislative record. You are likely to hear all sorts of references to that record and I ask that in the coming months you see beyond the sound bites and slogans and political charges that divert us from a substantial debate about Vermont‘s future."

(Kinzel) Jason Gibbs is Governor Douglas’s press secretary. He disputed Symington’s assertion that Douglas hasn’t been an effective leader.

(Gibbs) “Vermonters are going to have a really clear choice between a governor who gets up every day to fight for affordability and the prosperity of our families and two other candidates who share commitments to policies and programs that make Vermont less affordable and our families less prosperous."

(Kinzel) Middlebury College political science professor Eric Davis says Symington has two major challenges in this campaign.

(Davis) “First of all, make the case to the voters of Vermont that Jim Douglas should be replaced as governor. … Perhaps more importantly what Speaker Symington needs to do is marginalize Anthony Pollina. She needs to convince voters that a vote for Anthony Pollina is a vote for someone who has no chance of winning."

(Kinzel) Anthony Pollina has already announced his candidacy. Jim Douglas is expected to make a formal announcement before the end of June.

For VPR News I’m Bob Kinzel in Montpelier

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