Matt Dunne On His Gubernatorial Candidacy

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With the Vermont primary election coming up in two months, Vermont Edition is interviewing major party candidates for key statewide positions. This month, we’re interviewing the Democratic candidates for governor.

Matt Dunne declared his gubernatorial candidacy last November. In announcing his bid, he focused heavily on the economy and creating jobs.Straight out of college, Matt Dunne served in the Vermont House for seven years in the 1990s before departing for Washington to serve as director of AmeriCorps VISTA.

He served in the Vermont Senate from 2002 to 2006 and then lost a bid for lieutenant governor to Brian Dubie in 2006. For three years he has been working for Google, where he is the US Manager of Community Relations. In May he took a leave of absence from that post.

He spoke with VPR’s Jane Lindholm about his candidacy.

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