Danville Will Continue Nighttime Construction On Route 2

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(Host) Construction crews that are rebuilding Route 2 in Danville have been working overtime shifts at night.

And some residents complain that the noise has caused their homes to shake and kept them awake.

The Select Board voted last week to continue nighttime construction for another ten days in order to get temporary water lines underground before winter.

Murton Leonard is the Town Administrator in Danville. He says the board was misled about how loud the work would be.

(Murton) "The board thought it was just going to be light or general digging and trucking. But it got into a lot more of the rock digging. The jackhammer type of work is what is bothering people the most."

(Host) The Select Board successfully convinced the Agency of Transportation to put several residents up in motels to get them away from the noise.

Some businesses have also said the construction is affecting sales and traffic in the area.

Transportation officials say the $6.6 million, three-year project will eventually rebuild Route 2 through Danville village, and improve local infrastructure.

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