Campaign Roundup: Markowitz Releases Crime Plan

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(Host) Candidates continue to release plans for how they would deal with the variety of problems that face the state.

The latest is Secretary of State Deb Markowitz, who has detailed how she would deal with crime if she’s elected governor.

(Markowitz) "These are my top four priorities, because these are places where we need action. We haven’t had action in these areas in a long time."

(Host) Markowitz wants to focus on drug abuse and domestic violence. She says the state also needs to improve the way it shares criminal justice information among police and other agencies.

And she wants to put more money into state police with the goal of eventually having 24-hour coverage.

(Markowitz) "What I’ve tried to do overall is to make sure that our proposals are a strategic reallocation of resources. Getting to 24-hour coverage will cost something. And that’s why I’m not saying I promise to do that in my first year.’ I’m going to work towards it."

(Host) Soon after Markowitz released her plan, Lieutenant Governor Brian Dubie attacked it. He says Markowitz ignores child sexual abuse, which he says it the most important public safety issue.

Markowitz says the state has recently adopted laws to deal with sexual abuse. She says she’s focused on areas that haven’t been addressed.

Among the other five Democrats running for governor, state Senator Doug Racine is also on the campaign trail.

Racine is in the middle of what he describes as his "localvore tour." He’s visiting farmers’ markets and holding potluck meals around the state.

And former state Senator Matt Dunne is highlighting his environmental credentials at an event later this week with activist Bill McKibben.

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