Who benefits?

Commentator Olin Robison has been thinking about the war in Iraq, and what the outcome may really mean in the long term – for us, for Iraq and especially for Iran.


Lately, commentator Olin Robison has been thinking about a chicken and egg kind of thing – that is – whether the media simply reflects our fascination with celebrity – or feeds it.

Tree huggers

Lately, commentator Olin Robison has been giving quite a bit of thought to hopeless campaigns, unpopular causes and the people who dedicate their lives to them.

Putin in Maine

Summer visitors to the coast of Maine don’t usually make the headlines – but commentator Olin Robison was still surprised that Vladimir Putin’s recent trip to Kennebunkport generated so few ripples in the news.

Carter comments

Former President Jimmy Carter has made some public statements lately that have been widely reported and criticised. Commentator Olin Robison has some thoughts about why they’ve caused such a fuss.