Craven: Man and Lake

Teacher, filmmaker and commentator Jay Craven has been working on next summer’s commemoration of the 400th anniversary of Samuel de Champlain’s arrival in Vermont – but he finds himself surrounded by a bigger story than he expected.

Phillip Glass

Academy Award nominated composer Philip Glass’s upcoming appearance at Dartmouth College has filmmaker and Marlboro College teacher Jay Craven thinking about the role of music in movies.

Greatest Living Murdoch

A combination of the holidays and the recent comparisons of our times to the days of Franklin Roosevelt have reminded commentator, filmmaker, and Marlboro College teacher Jay Craven of his grandfather.


Filmmaker, teacher and commentator Jay Craven recently saw Anne Galjour’s performance at Dartmouth’s Hopkins Center – and he liked what he saw.

The Dream

Recently, filmmaker and Marlboro College teacher Jay Craven found himself at a loss for words. Fortunately, a friend came to the rescue.


Commentator, teacher and film producer Jay Craven has been to the movies recently, where he found himself reflecting on cinematic and historical fact and fiction.


Commentator, teacher and film producer Jay Craven has been amused by the political revival of a word that reminds him of an old TV show, a personal friend, and the truth – you might say – about legends.


Commentator, teacher and film producer Jay Craven says that a dance performance coming to the Hopkins Center may offer an intriquing glimpse of the future of the performing arts.