
From burgers to batting scores, we usually think that bigger is better, but commentator Brian Porto thinks that downsizing can be a good thing – especially when it comes to academic sports.

Dropping the ball

Commentator Brian Porto is concerned that current trends in college sports may have unintended – and unfortunate – consequences on our health later in life.

Goodbye Kirby

When commentator Brian Porto heard of the recent death of Baseball Hall-of-famer Kirby Puckett, he felt sad – both for loss of an outstanding athlete and also for the loss of a personal struggle.

Athletic maturity

Recently, newspapers and newsmagazines have been full of stories about the opinions and the lifestyle of World Cup ski champion Bode Miller. These stories have convinced commentator Brian Porto that, even at age 28, Miller still has a lot of growing up to do.

Hard lessons

Commentator Brian Porto has run across a story that he’s sure will be of interest to young people hoping to attend college on athletic scholarships – and their parents.

Sean Burch

This summer commentator Brian Porto read a newspaper article that reminded him of why sports have a strong emotional appeal for him – and for countless other Americans.