
Mares: Employee Ownership

After watching the demonstrations concerning Wall Street, Commentator Bill Mares joins us today with some thoughts about a better way for companies and corporations to distribute their profits.

Mares: On Playing Rugby

Commentator Bill Mares’ playing days are long over, but the Rugby World Cup being played in New Zealand has stirred him to reflect on a sport once characterized as "a hooligan’s game played by gentlemen."

Mares: Autographed Books

For more than fifty years, commentator Bill Mares has collected autographed books. A few months ago, he gave that collection of several hundred volumes to the St. Michael’s College library.

Mares: GP Marsh

Today is the 210th anniversary of the birth of Geprge Perkins Marsh, and commentator Bill Mares is thinking about the influence of this Vermonter, who has been  called the world’s first environmentalist.