Sanders pushing for tax credits for renewable energy projects

Senator Bernie Sanders is pushing for the extension of tax credits for renewable energy projects. A bill that he’s supporting would extend for eight years credits for businesses that invest in wind power, biomass, hydropower and geothermal electricity.

Morning Newscast: April 9, 2008

Here are the top stories at 7:30 a.m.: President Bush is forcing Congress to vote on a free trade agreement with Colombia, and freshman Senators like Vermont’s Bernie Sanders are spearheading opposition to the deal, the Vermont Senate has given its final approval to legislation that supporters call the most important education bill of the session…

Interview: Merja Makelainen compares life in Finland to the US

Last week Senator Bernie Sanders welcomed the Ambassador of Finland to Vermont for a state tour. And while the ambassador was here Senator Sanders repeatedly extolled the virtues of Finnish society. But we wanted to hear from a Fin who can compare Finland to the United States, and we found such a person: Merja Makelainen.

Midday Newscast: April 4, 2008

Senator Bernie Sanders wants the federal government to crack down on lending companies; fuel prices are rising while oil companies earn record profits; Vermont’s top transportation official says he’s willing to consider new ways of raising money to pay for road and bridge repair.

Morning Newscast: April 4, 2008

Here are the top stories at 7:30 a.m.: Vermont’s Senators say homeowners in their state can use some help; the Vermont Senate wants the state Attorney General to investigate whether oil companies are fixing prices and gouging customers;  a Mendon hotel has been shut down by the state after tests confirmed it as the source for a case of Legionnaires’ disease;  and a worldwide shortage in hops, a key ingredient in beer, is hitting home in Vermont.

Leahy, Sanders weigh in on Senate housing bill

The U.S. Senate is putting together a package to stop the widening foreclosure crisis. Vermont’s Senators say homeowners in their state can use some help. Matt Laslo reports from Washington.

Midday Newscast: March 11, 2008

Anthony Pollina will officially get into the race for Vermont governor at the end of the week; Sen. Bernie Sanders has some ideas for the federal budget that’s being drafted in Washington this week; more…