
40th Anniversary of the Town Meeting Survey

This year marks the 40th anniversary of Washington County senator Bill Doyle’s Town Meeting Day survey. This year’s survey asks Vermonters how they feel about leasing the lottery, same sex marriage, a four year term for governor and raising the gas tax to fund road and bridge projects.

Debate ahead on campaign finance reform

The House this week is set to debate a new campaign finance reform law. Supporters say the bill will help reduce the influence of money in Vermont campaigns. But opponents argue it will undermine the role of political parties, and that the legislation is unconstitutional.

VPR Evening News December 26th, 2007

Senator Patrick Leahy helps shape a Farm Bill the President will sign; New England health officials are concerned about mumps; CVPS is reaching out to other corporations to raise money to keep Vermonters warm this winter; Three people have been arrested in one of Vermont’s largest art heists; and commentator Bill Mares on a new method for heating his home.

VPR Evening News December 14th, 2007

A five-year extension of the farm bill has won approval by the U.S. Senate; A legislative study committee has recommended against declaring the state’s groundwater a public resource owned by all Vermonters; It seems snowy, but weather records show this is actually normal, and commentator Peter Gilbert reviews history according to Time Magazine’s selections for Person of the Year.