
Young Writers Project: My First Car

Jessica Austin, a junior at Essex High School, says of her writing: “I write all the time, forming little half-stories or even just one-liners in my head. Usually they don’t make it to paper. With this piece, I had just driven my little standard transmission Honda Civic successfully for the first time, so I got on the computer and let my inner monologue run. I guess good things come to those who write.”

Orange peel smiles and banana phone calls

Mugdha Gurram, a seventh grade student at Brattleboro Area Middle School, says she is usually prompted to write a story after seeing a photo or video. "They remind me of something (or someone) from my life, or I imagine what it would be like to be in the main character’s shoes. It’s like living another life, through my writing."

Born into this world

Frida Rosner, who is in fifth grade at Marlboro Elementary School, says she was inspired to write this poem by a painting she made of a girl and a feather. "I erased the girl’s face too many times and she ended up all wrinkly," Frida says. "It gave me the idea that her face could relate to the feather."

Do You Know?

Alexandra Contreras-Montesano is in Grade 5 at Champlain Elementary School in Burlington. She says she enjoys playing viola, dancing ballet and writing, "especially in the woods!" When she wrote this piece, she says, she was thinking about "what really makes the world go around, and I wrote it from the point of view of a person in love."

Life in a Dream

Taylor Carlson, of Newbury, Vermont, is a junior at Oxbow High School. "Writing has always been a part of who I am," she says. "For this piece, I truly was just in the moment, writing what I felt."

Marble Eyes

Caleb Hoh, a seventh grader at Edmunds Middle School in Burlington, started writing to small prompts in class, but soon became serious about his work and dedicated to the Young Writers Project. "Through reading responses and contested prompts I feel that I have learned to use the situations and feelings of real life to make my writing come alive," he says. "I even performed one of my pieces at a talent show with some friends…I like to write fiction, from action to intense scenarios, and I get caught up in whatever piece I write."

My Town

Kiera Loomis, who is in 5th Grade at Shrewsbury Mountain School, says she is motivated to write by the prompts provided by the Young Writers Project and she likes to be creative and share her experiences with others. Kiera loves animals, and dreams about being a veterinarian one day.