Young Writers Project: Writing Words

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Paige Tuttle, of Colchester, a sophomore at Rice Memorial High School, says she wrote this piece for her American literature class. “My teacher gave us an assignment to write a poem with an object as the speaker. I looked around the room and saw my pencil by the computer. The words ‘writing words’ came to my mind.  Then it took off from there.”

Writing Words
By Paige Tuttle
Grade 10, Rice Memorial High School

You may think I’m only good for writing words.
You may use me only for your advantage,
You might only pick me for my flower or smiley face pattern
But let me just say that I am more then just a utensil to help you get your task done.
You have no idea how much pain I have to endure so you can just have me sharp to the point.
Then I just break.
Then once again you sharpen me.
You sharpen and sharpen and sharpen me. Oh, the pain.
You sharpen me until I am just a little stump.
Then you throw me in the plastic bag next to your teacher’s desk.
In that bag, I find comfort for only a short time.
Because before you know it, I find comfort once again at a place you call "the dump."

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