Hanna: Politics And Glue Guns

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(HOST)  With election season just underway, Vermont Law School professor Cheryl Hanna would like to see more women declare their candidacy for statewide office. So she’s offering some practical advice.

(HANNA)  It’s shocking to me that, while a whole bunch of men apparently can’t jump in fast enough to campaign for all these open seats right now, only two women have declared that they’re running for statewide office.

Not that I don’t appreciate our male leaders, but in these tough times we need access to the leadership potential of all Vermonters.

Madeleine Kunin always says that women need to be asked to enter politics. But even with an invitation, who’s got time to run for office when you’re always running around for your family?  So I’ve got some advice for all you bright and talented moms out there who ought to be helping run this state.

This revelation recently came to me after I had spent countless hours sewing achievement awards on my daughter’s Girl Scout uniform, thereby forgetting an important conference call with some national leaders.  The irony of this was not lost on me, and it was at that point that I decided that I needed a gun – a glue gun, that is.

I got a mini-sized one that I keep in my briefcase – and, Sister, let me tell you – with one of these, you’ll soon be on your way to Montpelier – or maybe even Washington.

Can’t keep track of your daughter’s homework? Glue it to her backpack.

Your son’s pants are too long?  Just glue up the hem.

Your husband has asked you for the 100th time if you’ve seen his misplaced iphone? Offer to stick it to his… well, you get the idea.

Broken cat bowl? Loose weather stripping?  Run in your nylons?  Get out the glue gun, and in no time you’ll be off to a political fundraiser.

Now, if they would just make a car adapter for glue guns, the next time the baby throws her Dora doll at you while you’re driving, you could glue it to her car seat.

While all those men are trying to figure out what to do about the Champlain Bridge, I bet you could get a couple dozen moms, some glue guns and a Helen Reddy cassette, and commuter traffic would be moving again in no time.

I know you’re thinking that this is a bit like that Jeff Foxworthy routine: "You know you’re a redneck when all you have in your tool box is duck tape"; but, to the contrary, I am not joking.

Too many of us spend too much time on the mundane details of domestic life and not enough time solving the big problems that plague our state.  We need more women in public life, but that’s never going to happen if we can’t find ways to streamline some of the everyday problems at home.

What’s more important for your preschooler – to have a handmade holiday outfit or quality, affordable health care coverage – something that’s much more likely to happen if women in significant numbers are elected to leadership positions.

So, Annie, get your glue gun, and get yourself on the ballot.  

The children of Vermont will thank you.

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