Greene: Community Connectivity

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The Vermont FiberConnect project is bringing fiber optic broadband to
42 public libraries across Vermont. Commentator and freelance writer, Stephanie
Greene, considers what might be ahead for these libraries and
their communities.
(Greene) In their March 2012 report to the
Department of Libraries, library consultants Himmel & Wilson noted
that Vermont’s rural libraries are in many ways 20 years behind the rest
of the nation and require "radical change" – change which must include
high speed broadband.

If Vermont were nothing more than a
vacation state – some sort of quaint Andy-of-Mayberry throw-back – that
wouldn’t be a problem. You’d bring your kids to story hour, maybe you’d
check out a hammock-friendly book, and that would be that. But consider
this: more and more, everyday transactions are conducted online. We
apply for jobs online, and social security, and unemployment. Even
medical records and applications for food stamps are going online.

cannot conduct the business of living in the 21st century for long
without digital literacy. With VT Towns struggling to attract and keep
business in their communities, workforce development becomes key, and
broadband access will be central to much of that development as well.
Understanding what this actually means and anticipating how things will
change is part of the challenge.
The Dover Free Library is one
of 42 libraries statewide to become an anchor institution for the
broadband being laid across the state, exponentially multiplying its
connectivity to the outside world. They are among those currently
considering various ways to educate the public about the online/digital
resources that will soon be available through many local libraries.

Reid, VT State Librarian, concedes things are rapidly changing. In the
21st century library, people can find many digital resources for small
business; and have connections to hundreds of free online courses via
the Vermont Online Library. They can even get online help in making a
business plan.

The local library becomes something like a
virtual community college. As a lifelong learning e-center, the public
library also plays an important part in addressing the growing gap
between haves and have-nots. The population without ready access to
technology can find free help and training at the library – as they can
nowhere else.

According to the 2010 census, Vermont is second in
the nation for median age – after Maine. Every day it becomes more
important that seniors be educated in the use of e-government services
and social networking so as not to be marginalized.

is changing too. Research has shown that people prefer one on one
tutoring when learning digital skills. A librarian trained in digital
literacy can help patrons analyze and evaluate the astonishing
hodge-podge of online information – separating fact from fiction – and

Actually, this localizing trend works well with the David
vs Goliath mindset embraced by Vermonters. Internet expert and Dean
campaign web-master, Nicco Mele makes the point that the Internet is
good for the little guy; it levels the playing field. Just think: in the
‘70’s, a computer cost around $5 million. Today’s iphone has a billion
times the power of that computer, and costs around $200.

no doubt that we face a digital challenge, but given the way Vermonters
met the challenges posed by Tropical Storm Irene, I’d say – emphatically
– that we can do it.

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