Young Writers Project: A Poem By Tyler Harris

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Tyler Harris, a sophomore at Burlington High School, describes herself as a “pretty shy person” who relies on writing as her main outlet. “I usually come up with things to write about when I’m doing things like brushing my teeth or listening to music,” she says. “I’ll come up with a line, or sometimes even just a word that will spark an entire story or poem.

“This particular poem is about a real person. I think it kind of illustrates the classic breakup, where you still have feelings for the person who doesn’t want you anymore. For me, it happened a little differently than that, but I think anyone who has been in a similar situation can relate to this.”

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By Tyler Harris
Grade 10
Burlington High School

The sound of your voice
still makes my heart stop
the way it used to.
Seeing your face
still fills me with longing
the way it used to.
Hearing your name
still makes me tingle
the way it used to.
Thinking about you
still makes my palms sweat
the way it used to.
Everything about you
is the same
except now
I can’t have you.

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