Shumlin Announces His Re-election Bid

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Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin has been reluctant to launch his re-election campaign, but this week’s candidate filing deadline forced his hand.

Shumlin campaign treasurer Kate O’Connor on Tuesday said Shumlin had filed formal nominating papers with the secretary of state in advance of Thursday’s deadline, but will still wait until around Labor Day to make a formal campaign kickoff.

Eric Davis, a retired Middlebury College political science professor, says it’s common for incumbents to wait as late as possible before getting a campaign under way. The Democrat Shumlin faces a challenge from Republican state Sen. Randy Brock.

Shumlin, elected to his first two-year term in 2010, issued a statement saying he’s proud of what he’s accomplished in his first 16 months in office but sees more work to do.

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