Several hundred rally at Statehouse to protest cuts

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(Host) Several hundred people rallied outside the Statehouse today to protest planned cuts to state human service programs.

More than 20 organizations were represented in the crowed. Speakers urged lawmakers to raise new tax revenue instead of making these cuts.

(Chanting) "Save our state. Save our services. Save our state. Save our services.” 

"We do need to make tough decisions and the budget should be balanced. But the budget should serve and reflect our values, not decimate them. Simply cutting the budget is an escape from our responsibilities toward one another. Focusing those cuts in human services and supports is not only morally bankrupt, it’s economically foolhardy.”

"Our state motto is what? It’s freedom and unity. Isn’t it? And that unity to me implies that we’re going to look out for each other. And we’re especially going to look out for those among us who are the most vulnerable. And that is the charge that we lay down before our governor and every legislator in that building.” 

"We have seen the cutting and the ripping of our safety net for vulnerable Vermonters. And when you tear at that safety net, you rip the heart out of our very system of care for vulnerable Vermonters. And that’s what’s happening right now.”

"If you haven’t yet had a chance to sign a postcard, please do on the tables here to the right. You can also make a call on our dime, or I guess I should say our quarter now, on a cell phone that we’ve bought to your local legislator.” 

(Host) Organizers say the rally is part of a strategy to keep as much pressure as possible on lawmakers while they prepare the budget.

 Photos: Bob Kinzel

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