Sanders objects to text with Bush portrait linking 9/11 to war in Iraq

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(HOST) The text under a picture of President George W. Bush at the National Portrait Gallery will be changed after Senator Bernie Sanders raised concerns about it.

Part of the text reads that Bush’s two terms in office were "marked by a series of catastrophic events,” including – quote – “the attacks on September 11, 2001, that led to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq."

Sanders objected to the description that the terrorist attacks had anything to do with Iraq.

He asked the director of the National Portrait Gallery, Martin Sullivan, to remove the words "led to." And Sanders says he’s now received formal notice that his request is being honored.

"I’m not going to suggest that this is one of the great issues facing humanity. But what is very important is that major institutions, school books, society does not rewrite history. And in this little text they had under the picture, the implication was that the war in Iraq was caused by 9/11. And I think everybody, including George W. Bush, now knows and is free to admit that that was not the case."

(HOST) Sanders says he’s pleased that the National Portrait Gallery responded so quickly to his concerns.

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