Interview: Nick Rahaim

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A quick look at the calendar will tell you that today is Wednesday, the twentieth day of April, the fourth month of the year. But for some students on college campuses around North America, April twentieth is more significantly “420 Day”, meaning they will take part in what’s become in recent years an annual protest against federal laws prohibiting the use and possession of marijuana.

“420 Day” has also become a difficult time for local law enforcement and university officials who expect that some students will decide to protest by openly smoking marijuana on campus during the event.

Hoping to avoid these problems, University of Vermont President, Dan Fogel, recently sent an open letter to UVM students asking them to help stamp out “420 Day.” That letter drew a critical response in UVM’s weekly student newspaper, The Vermont Cynic. Nick Rahaim is the editor of The Vermont Cynic.

To hear Mitch Wertleib’s interview with Nick Rahaim, click on the “Listen icon.

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