Interview: Karen Koshof, ‘The Great Warming’ follow-up

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All this week VPR has put its focus on the changing climate. Today, we re-focus the lens to catch up with the creative team behind the film The Great Warming , a Canadian production featuring narration by two of the country’s best-known stars, Alannis Morisette and Keanu Reeves.

When the documentary was first released more than 6 months ago, Mitch Wertlieb spoke with producer Karen Koshof about the film,its message, and her struggle to promote the film at the same time the Al Gore film Inconvenient Truth was making headlines.

Mitch caught up with Karen and her husband Michael Taylor, one of the film’s directors, in our VPR studios, to find out what other projects might be on the horizon, and what’s happened since the film’s initial release:

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