Environmentalist To Vt. Lawmakers: Act Now On Climate

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Environmentalist and author Bill McKibben addressed members of the legislature at the Statehouse Wednesday, urging them to pass legislation during this biennium that might combat climate change in Vermont – and elsewhere.

McKibben used his speech to admonish lawmakers that climate change and global warming – and how they adapt to it – will emerge as the number one issue on which they will be judged in the future.  And he said he’s confident that the Vermont legislature is up to the challenge.

The Middlebury scholar in residenceurged lawmakers to pass a big expansion of weatherization programs and block tar sands oil from being shipped on a pipeline that crosses northern Vermont. He also opposed a call for a three-year moratorium on wind energy projects on Vermont ridgelines.

McKibben said failure to act will bring more frequent storms like Tropical Storm Irene, which wreaked havoc on Vermont in late August of 2011.

The speech followed a morning of testimony by business leaders and others on what they’re doing to adapt to climate change.



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