Douglas administration says Yankee hasn’t made re-licensing case

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(Host) The Douglas administration says the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant hasn’t made the case that its license should be renewed.

The administration says there needs to be a deal between the plant and Vermont’s utilities on what Vermont Yankee power would cost the utilities after 2012.

David O’Brien is public service commissioner.

(O’Brien) “In the ideal world we would find the intersection here between their interest and ours. Because I think if we could find that balance, the presence of this plant providing competitively priced power and jobs and not producing carbon would be a tremendous asset for the state over the 20-year period.”

(Host) Vermont Yankee wants to be able to continue operating through 2032.

The state says it wants proof that Yankee’s owner would have enough money in a decommissioning fund when the plant closes down.

Yankee says it intends to prove that Vermont is better off with the plant than without it.


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