Kelly Bay Color

In most parts of Vermont, fall color is still a few weeks away, but commentator Alan Boye took a walk recently where the leaves are already turning.


Two hundred and fifty years ago this summer, a small group of settlers were walking the hills of Vermont against their will – all the way from the southeastern corner of the state to the lower reaches of Lake Champlain. Commentator Alan Boye has the story.

Webster’s stump

Long before skiing and concerts attracted huge crowds to the Green Mountains, 15,000 people walked and rode by horseback and wagon to a remote hilltop in Southern Vermont for a political rally. Commentator Alan Boye recently visited the spot himself.

Vermont corner

On a map, the southeastern corner of Vermont forms a precise little point, but on a recent walk, commentator Alan Boye found that the reality looks quite different.


If your favorite forest trail is still too wet for hiking this weekend, commentator Alan Boye says that an old dirt road offers a good alternative.

Aldis Hill

Many towns in Vermont maintain interesting walking trails. Commentator Alan Boye recently explored such a trail in Saint Albans.