Superdelegates and the Vermont Primary

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Vermont Democrats will have 23 delegates voting at the party’s national
convention, but seven of them are "superdelegates." They’ll vote cast
their vote in the presidential nominating contest for the candidate of
their choice, and not necessarily the candidate preferred by Vermont
Democrats who vote in the state’s primary on March 4. We talk with two
superdelegates — Billi Gosh, a Hillary Clinton supporter, and Chuck
Ross, a Barack Obama supporter — about the role they might play in
deciding the Democratic candidate.

Also in the program, Louis Porter of the Vermont Press Bureau analyzes
some of the big stories in Montpelier. (Listen)  And we listen back to some of the
voices in the week’s news. (Listen)


Comments from listeners about superdelegates:

John from Roxbury:
I have a question for the Clinton supporter on today’s program. Mrs. Clinton has gone on record as saying that the "independent judgement" of the superdelegates should be respected, even though both Clinton and Obama camps are heavily lobbying them. If the superdelegates go against the will of the popular vote or the pledged delegates, how does she justify this? How will our votes count if the superdelegates make them irrelevant?

Michele from Ripton:
I would like to remind voters that in 2005, Hillary Clinton lobbied with the New York Department of Environmental Conservation to allow a two-week tire burn at International Paper Company in Ticonderoga, NY, despite the fact that the plant had no electrostatic precipitator to prevent toxic fine particulates from entering the atmosphere. This does not sit well with her environmental record.

Fred from Windsor:
I was going to vote for Hillary until she and her husband went negative. Obama has stayed positive and I think we do need that change in Washington. That change doesn’t seem to fit Hillary. I feel it will be more of the same.

John from Brookfield:
Please highlight, in detail, why your candidate is best suited to survive the Republican attack machine, (including 527 groups) that is already being prepared for each candidate. A simple message of "hope" or "change" will
certainly not deflect these attacks.

Jeremy in Montpelier:
I am an independent and an avid supporter of Barack Obama. He breathes well needed life back into the political process. He’s winning over Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Progressives and non-voters. Most importantly he is invigorating the youth. We need to support that with vigor. Also I know three life-long Democrats who vow that they will not vote for Hillary as president. She is and has been very divisive and will not lend to creating policy.

Martin from Leicester:
I’m an Obama supporter, but also welcome the opportunity to vote against Senator Clinton. Her support of International Paper’s test burn at its Ticonderoga mill was unconscionable. She certainly didn’t do it for the
conservative Republican majority in NY’s North Country. Did she do it for IP’s support through various PACs? As with Iraq, she cannot utter the word "mistake." As Tip O’Neill said, "All politics is local."

John from Williston:
I initially was for Hillary Clinton, but now support Barack Obama. The issue of Hillary trying to get the delegates seated from Florida and her claiming to have won Michigan as well has turned me off to her and her campaign. Now, if
she wins by the superdlegates, as a moderate, I might vote for McCain. I am not a fan of these underhanded political games, and attempts at getting in through the "backdoor." Let the rank and file decide. No more Al Gore 2000
scenarios please.



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