Starting And Running A Small Business

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The dream of opening your own business can lead to satisfaction and accomplishment… or dashed hopes and financial peril. Monday on Vermont Edition, we look at what it takes to start a small business. Guest host Mitch Wertlieb talks with Steve Densham, an adviser from the Small Business Development Center, about how to asses the market for your idea, writing a solid business plan, and the skills to keep your business running successfully. We also discuss strategies that existing businesses are using to weather the economy and even grow. Listen

Also in the program, the Rutland Herald is in court trying to get access to records about a sensitive and highly publicized personnel incident in the police department. VPR’s Jane Lindholm talks to the paper’s editor, Randal Smathers. Listen

And we continue our "Report From Afghanistan." Even in the relative safety of Kabul, nothing is taken for granted when it comes to security in Afghanistan. That means it can be quite a production to simply move military personnel and civilian government workers from point A to point B. VPR’s Steve Zind gives us a feel for what its like when one group of Vermont Guard soldiers based at Camp Phoenix in Kabul lead a daily convoy through the city’s streets. Listen

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