Reporters’ Roundtable

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Two years down, just a few days to go: the election is finally upon us. On the next Vermont Edition we’re gathering some of the Vermont’s top political reporters to look at where the key statewide races stand, and what impact the presidential race will have here. We’ll hear analysis of the top political races, and we’ll take your comments about the end of the election season. Host Bob Kinzel talks with VPR’s Ross Sneyd and John Dillon, and Kristin Carlson of WCAX-TV. (Listen)

Also in the program, an audio scrapbook of some memorable moments in the campaign.(Listen)


Listener comments:

David in Stowe:
Symington dithered: She started way too late to run an effective campaign given the early voting here in Vermont. Once she started the campaign she seemed to be invisible. The primary qualification for office is the ability to get elected and Gaye Symington ran a poor campaign. Secondly, there should be a simple majority rule. I’m sure that if there had been, the Democrats and the Progressives would have come to some sort of accommodation and together would have been able to beat Douglas.

Julie in Thetford:
Could the panel please comment on the impact that charisma, personality, and campaign performance have in Vermont’s gubenatorial race. I have heard the term "lackluster" applied to Symington’s campaign and perhaps this is an underlying factor as to why I and so many others are undecided in this race.

Teb in Burlington:
I, for one, am rooting like heck for Pollina but I am not feeling good about the Legislature selecting him — that would be wrong. However, Symington could have done us all a favor and bowed out a while ago when it was clear she had no momentum and was a default candidate. Taking this to the Legislature would be wrong especially with this completely undemocratic "secret ballot." Pollina is the right man and we need to discuss the fact that Symington is and always has been ill-equipped to battle Douglas.

Michael in Rutland:
This past week, with Anthony Polina up in the polls and Jim Douglas hovering at about 48 percent, there has been talk about what will happen if the election goes to the legislature. Some are making the argument that if Douglas does not get a majority, then the Legislature should vote against him for governor since a majority of Vermonters are against him. Do you think that the Legislature would consider this argument (especially since it is Democratically controlled)? Or will they stick with tradition and give the winner of the most votes the office? What blowback will there be if the Legislature does not give the office to the person who wins the most votes?

Rebecca in Marlboro:
Can you please discuss the mechanics and probabililties in the governor’s race, should the candidates all fail to receive 50 percent of the vote? What is the law? How will the Legislature act? What has been their historic record? What hints do we have about what they might do this time if, for instance, we have a 48-30-20 split?




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