
First-time lawmakers reflect on session

About three dozen first-time lawmakers served in the Legislature this winter. On the next Vermont Edition, we invite them to reflect their satisfactions, disappointments and how they felt they served their constituents. Also, an update on a decades-old superfund site in Burlington.

Can government ease winter heating costs?

The program that helps low-income Vermonters pay for heat is at least $19 million short this year, and middle income Vermonters are also struggling to plan for winter. We’ll look at whether federal and state government can ease the concern about heating costs.

TV medical dramas still capture attention

Medical dramas have held a solid place in the television landscape for generations. E.R. and Grey’s Anatomy may be staples of the genre now, but commentator Tim Johnson’s memory of these shows goes back a lot further. And he wonders why they still capture our attention.

Weddings and High Drama

If you’ve attended more than your share of weddings this summer, you can be forgiven for feeling a little burned out on ceremonies, receptions and gift giving. But VPR’s Tim Johnson just came back from a wedding that left him feeling completely …. smitten.