Welch Is Pessimistic Super Committee Will Succeed

Time has run out for the super committee in Congress to craft a plan to cut the national deficit by at least $1.2 trillion over the next 10 years. Congressman Peter Welch said Friday he didn’t think the committee would succeed, in large part, because the panel has been far too secretive.

Congressman Peter Welch

Congressman Peter Welch makes recommendations on cutting the deficit, VPR’s Ross Sneyd provides analysis on the Burlington mayoral race and we listen back to the voices in the news this week.

Welch Joins Bipartisan Effort To Cut Federal Deficit

Congressman Peter Welch is part of a bipartisan group that wants the federal deficit to be cut by raising new revenue, as well as reforming entitlement programs. That coalition says the congressional super committee charged with finding $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction should recommend a plan that addresses the problem for the next decade.