Morning Newscast: July 29, 2008

Here are the top stories at 7:30 a.m.: The federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission has given the green light for Entergy Corp. to spin off Vermont Yankee and four other nuclear plants to a newly created company;  Green Mountain Power says it ultimately wants to rely more on environmentally friendly power – and less on nuclear; The wood harvesting program that state officials plan to expand is a multiyear initiative to help Vermonters heat their homes…

Douglas administration raises questions about Entergy’s corporate restructuring

The Douglas Administration is raising questions about the financial stability of the new owners of the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant. The administration says the new company will be financially weak because it will have to borrow billions of dollars. But the new questions are prompting critics to ask why the governor vetoed a recent Vermont Yankee bill. The bill would have required the new owners to guarantee it has enough money set aside to decommission the plant.

Morning Newscast May 30, 2008

Governor Douglas criticizes a plan by Entergy Nuclear to spin off 5 of its facilities into a separate company that would start deep in debt. The legislature previously supported a bill that would have required Yankee to show it had adequate funding for decommissioning, but Douglas vetoed it; more…