Lange: Recognizing Fallacies

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All of us, unwittingly or on purpose, resort to fallacies from time to
time. During this year’s chase for the presidency, commentator Willem
Lange believes it’s especially important that we learn to separate them
from the truth.

(Lange) Almost exactly sixty years ago, in early
spring of 1952, during a couple of weeks devoted to logic, illogic, and
the scientific method, a favorite teacher of mine introduced our class
to fallacies (from the Latin fallere, to deceive). Fallacies, we
learned, are those illogical little tricks or figures of speech that
people use all the time, wittingly or otherwise, to deceive themselves
and others. We spent a fascinating fortnight learning to distinguish
between, for example, argumentum ad hominem and poisoning the well;
between non sequitur and argument from authority.

We learned
that scoundrels routinely use fallacies to hoodwink or bilk the
ignorant; that our parents often use them to persuade us to do their
will; that even politicians and evangelists occasionally resort to them.

In later years I’ve discovered that my most trusted companion
on this earth may try, during a heated domestic discussion, to slip one
past me. "Don’t say another word!" she cries. "You Germans are all

"My dear," I answer reasonably, "that is fallacious on
several counts. Inaccurate assumption: I am not German; my ancestors
were. Rash generalization: Germans are not all alike. Poisoning the
well: You discount what I say before I say it. Argumentum ad hominem:
You’re attacking me instead of my argument. And I think that talking
loud and pointing a potato peeler are fallacies, too." It’s hard to
believe that doesn’t work better than it does.

Recently we were
treated to a smörgasbord of fallacies during the battle for votes in the
New Hampshire Presidential primary. Besides a raft of argumenti ad
hominem, as each candidate painted the others as sleazier than himself,
we had this one; "I believe in America!" Glittering generality: sounds
great, but what’s it mean? Another one: "I’ve spent years in
Massachusetts and have a summer home in New Hampshire, so I understand
New Hampshire." That’s a conclusion contrary to obvious fact: I lived in
New hampshire 40 years, and can say with some authority that nobody
understands it. He poisoned his own well, too: In the current economic
situation, we common folk are less than enthusiastic about people who
can afford what we can only dream of.

Well, now they’re all off
to the South, which is where I’ll bet they’re all thrilled to be after
northern New England in January. But they’ll be back this fall, and
we’ll be deluged once again with a tsunami of fallacies. I only hope
we’ll manage to keep our heads above water.

This is Willem Lange in Montpelier, and I gotta get back to work.

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